Expand Your Services Globally the Unlimited Opportunities in GCC in 2018

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Doing business in the Middle East

In the past three decades, the centre of global interaction has marginally shifted towards the Middle East. Global trade wise and conflict-wise, a lot is happening in this region that one should not miss out on.

What is attractive about doing business in the Middle East?
The Middle East region represents a region that is home to a variety of religions, races and therefore a wide range of opinions and diverse attitudes. Foreign investments are attracted towards modernisation of markets. This is what makes the Middle East a plumb target for you to expand your services in.

Another excellent reason is the availability of natural resources. This creates a conducive environment for economic and industrial growth.

The Middle East, being a vast congregation of mixed cultures, presents a well-educated and experienced workforce. Understanding the similarities and differences can give rise to various business opportunities in this region.

Taking all these factors into consideration, expansion of services in the Middle East would prove to be a very lucrative idea indeed. Dubai especially stands out when it comes to investment incentives.

Is the Legal Framework hard to handle?
Foreign investment is being encouraged with improving regulations and investment laws, making it easy for more business to take place. The increase in trade, exports revenue and transports and communication revenue is proof of the same. The liberal labour policies also enable simple and cost-effective measures to recruit employees from other parts of the world. The overall business environment has been improved paving the way towards increased productivity.

In the UAE, the legal concept of secondment does not exist. Any employee that is now seconded to the UAE is treated as a full employee of the UAE as per the law. Therefore, they are entitled to all employee protections as per the procedure. Sometimes, dual employment rights als rise. It is vital that such arrangements are properly structured to prevent any legal issues.

Where do we come in?
We offer the perfect solution for all your HR and staffing hassles. We work as your regional partner and will assist your company in the legal procedures that follow. We take care of everything that your employees would need during overseas deployment including accommodation, HR and logistics.

The question you have to ask yourselves is, are you ready to take your organisation to the global level?

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